Author - Lisa

Agreement with Alqueria del Basket of Valencia for a Digital Magazine and as their International Consultant

Categories: News

23.05.2019 I am proud that Josè Puentes, Director of Operations and Institutional relationships of the Alqueria del Basket, the Academy of the Valencia BC, agreed to my proposal of a unique, digital, bimonthly basketball magazine, free, in English and Spanish, for coaches, referees, s & c coaches, executives, with top authors from around the world. […]

Lebanese Basketball Federation (FLB) Consulting

Categories: News

14.03.2019 With Nenad Trunic, the Serbian coach, who was one of the speaker at the February clinic, that I organized, we were asked by FLB to get back to Beirut for a week of evaluating every level of the Federation, from coaches, to marketing, to clubs, to media. One month later we presented a plan […]

International Coaches Clinic in Beirut, Lebanon

Categories: News

26.02.2019 As requested by the Lebanese Basketball Federation and its Secretary General Tony Khalil, I organized an international Basketball Coaches Clinic in Beirut, with several participants from all over Lebanon, and with several women’s coaches, to testify how basketball is the N. 1 sport in Lebanon. Thanks to the speakers, Coach Andreu Casadevall from Spain, […]

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