
Webinar with Viewlift OTT Agency from London

Categories: News

8.04.2020 I was very glad to be invited to a webinar interview on YouTube and FB from London with Fabio Gallo, VP Sales of the OTT USA Company Viewlift, where I talked on the future of the sport marketing, communication an digital after the corona virus.

Dr. Bill Sutton Retirement Party in Tampa, Florida

Categories: News

9.08.2019 I was extremely glad and honored to be invited by my “guru” and friend Dr. Bill Sutton to his retirement party at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Bill, one of the top sport marketer and former NBA VP Team Marketing, has been Director of the Vinik Sport Marketing & Entertainment Management School […]

Pro Coach and Alqueria del Basket International Clinic

Categories: News

26.07.2019 I was invited to attended this International Basketball Coaches Clinic, the top in Europe, with top speakers and among the other Dimitris Itoudis of CSKA Moscow, my friend Lionel Hollins of the Los Angeles Lakers, and another friend Igor Kokoskov of the Sacramento Kings. It was a great experience, with also an innovative format […]

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